Millions of Dollars Awarded to Butler County for Broadband Improvement, Says Scialabba
April 18, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Stephenie Scialabba (R-Butler) announced today the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority awarded Butler County more than $12.4 million in federal funding to improve broadband access for residents.
“Improving broadband infrastructure is critical for productivity and overall quality of life,” said Scialabba. “No matter if it is for the workplace or leisure activities, every Pennsylvanian must have access to this service. This award is transformational, allowing Pennsylvania to close the digital divide between rural and urban areas.”
The funding was made available through the state’s Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP) and approved at a meeting of the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority in Harrisburg.
The program targets locations that do not currently have access to 25/3 Mbps reliable service. The competitive grant program funds extensions of existing last-mile cable modem and fiber-to-the-premise broadband networks, and large-scale regional projects that can transform broadband availability by serving large numbers of eligible addresses.
Representative Stephenie Scialabba
12th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Nate Temple
717-260-6396 /
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